AWS EBS Tutorial : Create EBS Automated Backup
How to Create AWS EBS Daily Automated Backup
In this tutorial i will show you how to create automated daily backup for AWS EBS using CloudWatch by creating an event and choose specific Volume ID
This is part of EBS manager tutuorial, will show you how to backup aws ebs volume “the ebs block” and will next show you how to restore aws snapshot.
Login to AWS Console.
Search for CloudWatch inside the searchbar.
Select ‘Events’.
Select ‘Create rule’.
Choose ‘Schedule’.
Add recurrence time by cron or fixed rate.
Cron example: “0 5 * * 0” means every Sunday at 5am
Select ‘Add target’.
Choose ‘EC2 Create Snapshot API Call’.
From Volume ID choose desired EBS. “You can add multiple EBS Volumes as multiple targets”
Select ‘Configure Details’.
In this screen just add a name and description for the event rule to differentiate it than other rules.
Inside AWS Permissions create a new role which will open a new window
Select ‘Allow’ button.
Select ‘Create Rule’.
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