AWS Cloudtrail vs Cloudwatch in 15 minutes | AWS tutorial for beginners

AWS Cloudtrail vs Cloudwatch in 15 minutes | AWS tutorial for beginners

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AWS Cloudwatch summary:

What is Cloudwatch?
CloudWatch is the Monitoring Service in Amazon Web services which also allows you to react against events(AWS).

What can CloudWatch do?
There are 3 distinct sub services in Cloudwatch. If you look at the navigation pane on AWS Management Console you can see that there are 4 sections ( Alarms, Events , Logs, Metrics). Metrics and alarms are linked and fall under the same IAM action group:
Cloudwatch (Core): Identity and access management(IAM) action group – cloudwatch:* It monitors resources in AWS like in the case of EC2 instances for CPU utilization, Network in/ outs and disk read/writes . At the same time you can use Custom Metrics to monitor more metrics like Memory Utilization.
Cloudwatch can also set an alarm(eg your bill is above the monthly budget) and you can send a notification to notify and let you react.

Cloudwatch Logs: Identity and access management(IAM) action group – logs:* With Cloudwatch logs you can send logs from your applications to Cloudwatch.
Examples: a) Send the logs of your AWS Lambda function to cloudwatch b) Send the logs of your apache web-server to cloudwatch
Notice how it’s different from Cloudwatch Metrics. Let me summarize Cloudwatch Metrics and logs in 2 Pics
Cloudwatch Metrics for AWS Lambda
Lambda Metrics

Cloudwatch Logs for AWS Lambda
Lambda Logs

Cloudwatch Events : Identity and access management(IAM) action group -events:* With Cloudwatch Events you can do two things:
a) Respond to event patterns that will trigger an action(Lambda function, SNS message, API calls) b) Trigger an action in a cron like schedule.

Top 5 tips to prepare for the AWS associate exams:
1) Do a lot of Labs ( Build VPC from scratch etc)
2) Focus mostly on the core services ( EC2, S3, VPC, Route 53, RDS) and don’t worry too much about smaller topics. Although is always good to be comfortable with every topic.
3) The passing score is around 67% so understand that you can miss about 15-18 questions and still pass.
4) Watch AWS Reinvent Videos ( One of the best resources ) and watch a video an a topic that confuses you from multiple sources/instructors.
5) Do the sample exam, buy the official practice exam and find any other practice exam questions and , Practice!

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