How to add addon domain in cPanel – Web Hosting Tutorial in Bangla
Today in this tutorial we will learn what is addon domain, why you need addon domain and how to add a addon domain in cPanel. An addon domain is fully separate domain as like your hosted cPanel domain. During this time a question may arise in your mind that is what does addon domain do?
Imagine you have a domain which is primary domain in cPanel web hosting. Now you want to add another domain in the same control panel/cPanel to make multiple website. In this case the addon domain will play an important role. The main facility of addon domain is no cost to add in cPanel, because, you can use multiple domain in one cPanel/web hosting. But your hosting provider can limits the amount of addon domain allow in your cPanel account. Most of web hosting service provider do not allow any addon domains in same hosting packages. If you wish to have multiple website in single hosting server, you have to carefully select hosting package during place an order.
“How to add addon domain in cPanel/web hosting” through this bangla tutorial you will know in detial about that matter clearly & easily.
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