Joomla! 2.5: Using the Random Image module |
This Joomla! 2.5 tutorial shows how to select images for display on your web page using the Random Image module. Watch more at
This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter eight of the Joomla! 2.5 Essential Training course presented by author Jen Kramer. The complete Joomla! 2.5 course has a total duration of 8 hours and 30 minutes, and shows how to build a web site from scratch—no programming required—and guides site designers through the process, from installation to launch
The Joomla! 2.5 Essential Training table of contents:
1. Installing Joomla!
2. A General Overview of Joomla!
3. Creating Categories
4. Creating Articles and Basic Formatting
5. Creating Menus for Your Site
6. Advanced Article Formatting
7. Setting Display Options
8. Using Modules
9. Using Components
10. Using Templates
11. Creating a Web Site with Multiple Languages
12. ACL Essentials
13. Extending Joomla! 2.5
14. Launching Your Site and Beyond