How to Add/Remove Product Images in Magento

How to Add/Remove Product Images in Magento

With Magento you can add & remove images to products easily.

Also you can select which images show as the main image, the small & thumbnail images and also organise them to an order that makes sense to you & your products.

In this tutorial you’ll learn:
– How to upload images to Magento
– How to set the base, small and thumbnail images
– How to exclude an image from showing
– And finally how to remove images from Magento

Important: Always make sure that you will press the “Upload Button” on the right hand side so that your images will be uploaded.

Magento resizes automatically the images being uploaded so you don’t to resize the images.

You should upload images around 16,000 pixels wide and preferably square.

If you need a hand at any time, use the contact details below and the forums here are always open.

See you there,

Matt & Dave


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