HSA PHP&MariaDB Part 1

HSA PHP&MariaDB Part 1

Handsonlabs in PHP & MariaDB (formerlly MYSQL) is a six weekend course developed for novice programmers in undergraduate, or postgraduate levels to sub-advanced or intermediate level of web application development.
Topics covered include:
PHP COURSE OUTLINE (6 weekend course)

1. General Introduction (Software Applications, [Natives & Web-Apps])

2. Setting up your Environment
Xampp Installation (Xitami,Wamp,Mamp, Apache Webservers in perspective) Adobe Dreamweaver Installation (& other IDEs in standpoint) Defining a Web Application (Local Site)& linking it up to a Web Server (Xampp in this case).

3. PHP.HTML Syntax
Php tags
Strings, Variables, Constants, Output Statements, Delimiters, phpinfo() function
General Knowledge of Embedding php in Html
Tables & Forms

4. PHP Program Structures:

Superglobal Arrays -$_GET, $_POST
General Arrays
Associative Arrays
Iterations- while, switch, for.Do
Selection-If, else, elseif


Creating Databases
Creating Tables
Connecting From php codes
Insert Query
Select Query
Update Query
Delete Query

6. Sub-Advanced or Intermediate Php:

Functions, methods objects & Classes
Sessions &Cookies
CSS3 Coding,Validation, Jquery & Ajax, Json, Angular JS, Node.Js,
Page Restrictions using sessions, Login/Out Pages
Php Utilities- Code-igniter, Pear, Zend framework etc
Php Applications- WordPress, Joomla, Cubecart, forums, Facebook & Twitter
Making U$$ from the Open source Community especially php+mysql+jquery through freelance and online Jobs.

Part I focuses on (1,2 and part of 3 above) as well as:

1. Installing Xampp Webserver & PHP on Ubuntu 19.04
2. Installing Xampp Webserver & PHP on Microsoft Windows
3. Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as:
A. Setting up Eclipse for Php Web Development and Xampp Webserver
B. Setting up Adobe Dreamweaver and Xampp Webserver
C. Setting up Notepadd++ and Xampp Webserver
D. Coding a first script in Php


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